cms digital agency

Need to create a website with a CMS?
You are in the right place!

Belmont Web is a digital agency Tunisie spécialiste de la user-oriented website creation and their management.

Natural referencing, SEO, digital communication and marketing web are at the heart of our business.

Here you will find effective solutions to sustainably improve the visibility of your company on the web. Let's work together to quickly reach your goals


Not sure which content management system to choose?

Is it better to opt for a Wordpress CMS or a Joomla CMS?

Why is choosing a good CMS important?

What is the best CMS for an e-commerce website?


Call on our agence web à Gabès for improve the SEO of your website. This is a search engine optimization, Search Engine Optimization in English.

We offer you several tailored solutions to your constraints and expectations. Small, medium or large companyOur answers are personalized and we can easily work remotely.

cms digital agency

What is a Content Management System?

The acronym CMS (Content Management System) translates into French as système de gestion de contenu. It is a category of software that allows the design and dynamic updating of websites or mobile applications.

It becomes possible to create and manage the appearance and content of an interface from A to Z.
Thanks to this type of software, you do not need any computer development. The publication of texts and multimedia elements on the web is largely facilitated.

Before choosing a CMS, you need to determine the objective of your web project and have an idea of the content you will publish online.
Indeed, there are various solutions to create a blog, an intranet, a commercial site or an institutional site, for example.

cms digital agency

Choose a CMS: Wordpress, Joomla! or Prestashop


The list of CMS is very long (more than 250 programs on the market), but some are essential. These are the ones that the digital agency Belmont Web has chosen to propose to its customers. They are all open source and free, unlike the professional CMS that you have to pay for.

Wordpress (62.6% market share in 2020):

This open source content management system has an intuitive user interface. It also offers easy integration of plugins and other extensions. Its army of 100,000 developers and 24/7 support service work in its favor. About a third of the world's websites use a Wordpress CMS. It is the undisputed leader in the industry.

Joomla! (4.4 % market share in 2020) :

This popular software is intended for both beginners and more experienced users. Its main advantage lies in the wide range of extensions and themes offered. Joomla! can power websites of all shapes and sizes. Small commercial websites, company portals, online magazines, e-commerce, websites for town halls or communities, intranets and extranets ...

Prestashop (1.0 % market share in 2020) :
This French online store software has become the leading European e-commerce platform. It is a complete, innovative and efficient solution that allows you to create a 100 % customizable e-shop. You will be able to manage your products as well as your orders, but also to develop your international sales. As the two preceding systems, Prestashop is available in several languages.


At Belmont Web, we explain the wide range of features of each CMS. Together, we choose the system that best suits your company's specific needs. In fact, the issue is not to know which is the best CMS on the market, but rather to determine which content management system will best enhance your project on the Internet.

Notre agence web en Tunisie peut créer un site avec le CMS approprié, puis vous donner la possibilité de le gérer vous-même. Il suffira de vous familiariser avec son fonctionnement. Bien entendu, si vous préférez, notre équipe peut s’en charger pour vous faire gagner du temps.

Entrust us with your website. It will be your best seller.



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