web design agence digitale Tunisie

Web Design

Need a website with an optimal design?
You are in the right place!

Belmont Web is a digital agency Tunisie spécialiste de la user-oriented website creation and their management.

Natural referencing, SEO, digital communication and marketing web are at the heart of our business.

Here you will find effective solutions to sustainably improve the visibility of your company on the web. Let's work together to quickly reach your goals

How to make a success of your website design?

Are you looking for a user-oriented digital agency?

Your current website is not ergonomic enough ?

What is the difference between UX and UI web design?

Call on our agence web à Gabès to take care of the design of your website. We offer a variety of solutions adapted to your needs, while thinking of theuser experience. Small, medium or large companies, our answers are personalized and we can easily work remotely.

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web design agence digitale

What is web design?

In the digital age, we navigate daily on countless different websites. Naturally, you will find that some are more attractive and better designed than others. Do you have any idea of the work that goes into each page you visit? Beyond the visual appearance, the design of a website is based on several techniques grouped under the name of web design.

The extremely rapid progress of Internet-related technologies has led to new challenges for web designers. Websites must now be efficient on computers, but also on smartphones, tablets, TV and connected objects. Without forgetting the application design

In front of this variety of digital mediaThe interfaces integrate recent functionalities. Tactile navigation, vocalization, portrait/landscape rotation and interactivity of the action zones are the responsibility of experienced web designers..

web design agence digitale

The importance of good design

The website of a company is a virtual showcase, but also a brand representative and a commercial tool. Indeed, a attractive and well designed site offers a good image and encourages the purchase of the proposed service or product. Conversely, a unattractive and non-ergonomic site is directly damaging to your brand. In concrete terms, it suggests that what you are selling is also mediocre. It is therefore easy to understand how the web design can help grow your business and improve your brand image.

That said, it is important to note that design for performance is not an easy task. Internet users are becoming increasingly demanding when faced with the countless offer of websites. They need to find what they are looking for quickly and without effort. If not, they go to the competition. 

Studies show that a website has only a handful of seconds to convince the visitor to stay. We can even talk about thousandths of a second. At Belmont WebWe are aware of this challenge. We are putting our expertise in web design and digital marketing at your disposal to create a user-centered site

"Design is the silent ambassador of your brand." 

Paul Rand

 Web Design UX and UI

For design a website in a successful way, it is necessary to take into account two types of web design :

  • Web design UI (User Interface): this is the design of the user interfaceIn other words, the clarity of navigation, the optimization of paths and also the quality of content. In short, a web designer UI takes care of the graphic and textual elements based on technical standards.
  • Web design UX (User eXperience): this acronym designates the design of the user experience on a site, taking into account the needs and expectations of Internet users. A web designer UX analyzes the experience that the user will live during his navigation and his feeling. The site must therefore be accessible, clear, ergonomic, reliable and easy to use.

Choisir une agence digitale en Tunisie

At Belmont Web, we place theuser experience at the heart of our web design offer. The websites we build are both pleasant to visit, accessible and secure. They adapt to all types of screens and platforms. 

Depending on your project, we can offer you different design options. The objective is to design a responsive websiteWe have a wide range of products and services to offer you, your clients and your customers. We invite you to view our portfolio to see our work and find ideas for inspiration.

at your service

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