Factors influencing the referencing of blogs


The time of visit

Although time is an indirect element of the classification for GoogleThis is an important aspect of the user experience - and we all know that when it comes to referencinguser experience is king. The time a reader stays on a page of your blog is called "visiting time". This statistic indirectly informs search engines like Google of the value of your content to the reader. It seems logical that the longer people stay on the site, the more relevant it becomes to Google.

However, your approach to content is unknown to search engine algorithms. Your blog can focus on short information that can be read in a minute or two. You can also add relevant information at the beginning of your blog posts to provide an optimal reading experience, which means less time spent on the page. So, while visit time can have an impact on SEO, the marketing team at our digital agency advises not to modify your content to change this statistic if it doesn't make sense for your strategy.


Loading time

We just noted that the aesthetic aspects of your blog can impact page performance, but they're not the only ones. Unnecessary coding and excessive use of plugins can also contribute to a slow site. Removing unnecessary code can make your pages load faster. Check out our digital agency if you don't know how to detect and remove unnecessary code.

We also suggest you take stock of your blog's plugins. Determine which ones you need to keep your blog running on a daily basis and which ones were added to solve a temporary problem. Plugins that influence the front end of your site are a danger to page performance, and you may be able to eliminate more of these plugins than you think to improve overall site speed.


The responsive design

Mobile devices account for over half of Google's search traffic. There's no denying it: optimizing your site for mobile devices will impact your SEO numbers. The industry standard is to keep things simple. Most pre-made site templates are now mobile-friendly. So all you'll need to do is change a call-to-action (CTA) button here and increase the font size there. Next, keep an eye on your site's performance on mobile by checking your Google Analytics dashboard and conducting a regular mobile site performance test.

The date of indexation

Search engines strive to provide the most relevant and up-to-date information. The date a search engine indexes material is one of the factors it considers when evaluating what is relevant and accurate. Indexing is the process by which a search engine discovers material and adds it to its index. When a user searches for terms relevant to the indexed page, it can be retrieved and presented in the search results (SERP).

You may be wondering if the indexing date of a document coincides with its publication date. The answer is both yes and no. If you are submitting a blog post for the first time, it is likely that a Google crawler will index it on the same day it is published. However, articles can be backdated for a variety of acceptable reasons, such as data preservation or changing a sentence or two.

Implementing a historical optimization approach is a technique to improve this element of SEO. This method works well for sites that have been around for a few years and have a decent amount of content. You can dramatically improve your blog's SEO by updating those previous articles with new ideas and facts without producing much new material . 

The site's crawlers will reindex the page taking into account the changes made and give it a new chance to compete in the SERPs. It's definitely a win-win situation.

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The new information

Recent data, which is another indirect element of the ranking SEOThe most important thing is to present the latest information in the blog posts. According to the SEO expert in our digital agency, fresh data provides visitors with relevant and reliable information, which translates into an excellent reading experience. When you provide a link to a reliable site with original and up-to-date material, you inform the search engine that this site is useful and relevant to your audience. You are also informing the search engine that this type of data is related to the information you have posted. Your visitors will learn to appreciate the content over time, which can be proven by other measures such as increased time spent on the page or decreased bounce rate.
